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Paul Mitchell The Salon



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Paul Mitchell The Salon(圖1)-速報App

Paul Mitchell The Salon brings you the latest trends with our cutting edge techniques. Our stylists trained at the country’s best institutes to ensure the best possible outcome with your hair!

Our qualifications include SETA and City & Guilds as well as training with many other colour houses.Our variations of techniques include the old school and the lat Vidal Sassoon’s ABC’s.

Paul Mitchell The Salon Woodlands, Mall of Africa and The Club are exclusive salons, offering professional hairdressing services.

Paul Mitchell The Salon(圖2)-速報App

Contact Numbers are as follows;

Woodlands 012 997 4417

Mall of Africa 011 805 0873

Paul Mitchell The Salon(圖3)-速報App

The Club 012 346 1155

Paul Mitchell The Salon(圖4)-速報App
